Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Arrival in the City of Dreams

Hello to all and welcome!
Allow me to introduce myself and my situation. My name is Rafi Santo and I am keeping this blog to document my time living here in India, in the City of Dreams, Bombay. I was sent here through a great organization called American Jewish World Service. (Great because it's providing me with the rewarding oppotunity of being here, greater because it helps out nonprofits throughout the developing world to create sustainable change.) While I'm here I will be living in and involved with the unique community of Indian Jews that exists here, and I will be working with a project called Salokha (meaning friendship in Hindi) that does conflict resolution and communal harmony work to counteract animosity that exists in this city and country between Hindus and Muslims.
This blog exists to allow anyone interested to have a window into what it might be like to live, work, and travel in India. Aside from this, it exists for me to express (and sometimes vent) my own experiences in this crazy city. In a pinch, it will also let those who care about me on the other side of the ocean know that I'm still alive and kickin' in a country where that's the only way to live. So until my next post, be well and be happy.


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